Good part time jobs for students reddit. Or do all the work up front and create an online course to sell through skillshare udemy or your own site. This jobs pays an average of 1250 per hour according to payscale. Im gonna go against the grain but this is the best advice i got in college and it helped my career immensely. Its really easy pays well and you always leave with a great story.
Heres a list of 38 part time jobs that are great for college students. My job is referred to by many names court reporter court typist hearing reporter verbatim hearing reporter. Many part time positions have the potential to earn well above minimum wage. Dont worry weve done the hard work for you.
All simple jobs but i could emphasize tasks and skills on a resume. Certified nursing assistants typically earn between 1316 and 1614 hourly as a part time cna. Find jobs that look good on a resume even if the money isnt great. Find jobs that you are qualified for and save yourself some application time.
Top part time jobs for international students by studylink when you are studying abroad you may find that a part time job can really help pay a few extra bills or fund leisure activities and travel that would have otherwise been outside of your budget. I was a part time receptionist at a pr firm a temp at ups and an inventory controller. There seems to be some confusion about this position. Those vendors hire part time merchandisers to replenish displays order stock and set up promotions.
These arent the best paying online jobs but they also dont require a ton of skills or experience. The good news is there are more part time jobs out there that pay more than minimum wage than you probably think. The hours are part time and flexible and if you can lift boxes this is an easy job to do. While the jobs listed below are almost always hourly shift based or self scheduled there are many other positions that you can.
Still a lot of these jobs do require a ton of skill and you might need to study.