Example cv student looking part time job. Of course most 13 14 or 15 year olds have very little formal work experience to list nor will they have any qualifications so preparing a cv template requires a little thought. The application process for part time jobs can be just as competitive as it is for full time positions. A part time job is a form of employment which lasts shorter than the full time job. Michelle wangflat 4b charles street leicester le1 7djmobile.
In addition to a great cv template we also walk you through what to include on your cv if you are a teenager applying for a part time job for example at 13 14 or 15. Looking for something flexible but not sure your cv is up to scratch. Example i am currently studying english at edge hill university. Fyi many retailers and hospitality sectors offer training to candidates with no experience.
Sample cv and guide so university wasnt for you and youre looking for your first job. In the meantime volunteering is an effective way to make your cv look fabulous. No matter what industry youre in learning how to effectively tailor your application to the role youre applying for is vital and could be the key to finding your perfect part time position. When companies hire part time staff theyre looking for flexibility someone they can depend on and a person who will really fit in with their companys culture.
Here is an example of a student cv you can use to base your own. These jobs typically entail working fewer hours in rotational shifts and for project specific assignments. I have practical work experience in. They are mostly done by college students and those who operate squeezed schedules elsewhere.
Mw45athotmailcoukobjectiveenthusiastic and fashion aware second year undergraduate student with previous customerservice experience and a positive attitude to work seeking a part time position in retail. Its a summary of your skills knowledge and experience obtained so far in your life as well as your interests outside of your studies. Therefore seeking a part time job in a retail setting seems to be the safest option. Employers say you only have 10 seconds to make a good impression with your cv so this paragraph is the most important.
If youve decided to go straight from school or college into a job then its important to get your cv right. A cv or resume is vital for every student for any job be it a part time job or the start of your career. Though it entails working fewer hours it is still necessary that you. You need to say you are a current student and looking for part time casual or summer work.